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Elias Lessa

Phone: +55 (51) 993985276


I've been developing games for 12 years as a hobby and as a college student, 7 years of those were working professionally for companies as an employee or as a freelancer, in which I acquired experience developing new games, adding new features and fixing bugs of existing projects. I graduated in digital games college at UNISINOS and I received an award of distinction for my final game project.

During this time I have also participated in many game jams where in the SpoopyJam2021 me and the team I worked with got an award for Best Implementation of Amazon Game Lift, and most recently in the Together Jam 2022 we got the 1st place for best game overall.


Game engines: Unity, GMS2, Crayta;
Programing languages: C#, C++, Lua, GML;
IDEs: Visual Studio;
Version control: Unity Collab, Git, GitHub Desktop, SourceTree;
Agile methods: Trello;
Publishing: Google Play,;
Image editing: Gimp;
Audio editing: Audacity;

Academic Education

Concluded in 2020
Graduation in Digital Games - Unisinos
Computer Technician - Colégio Coração de Maria
Concluded in 2008

Professional Experience

Freelancer 01/2020 a 07/2022
Unity game development and support, Mobile, PC, Web.
RB Learning 01/2020 a 10/2020
Game development using Unity;
Basic structuring of Instructional Designer using Storyline;
Image Editing in Photoshop;
Audio Editing using Audacity;
Zoyd Softwares Ltda ME 06/2015 a 06/2017
Mobile game development using Unity.
CNPQ - Unisinos 03/2013 a 03/2015
Development and management of web services for video stream to mobile devices;
Development of UI for user register using Windows Forms;
SQL Server 2008 Database Management;
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