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Ghosts of Dracushima
Game made for the SpoopyJam2021 with the guys from Sheepixel, where we had 15 days to make a multiplayer game and we won the prize of best implementation of Amazons Gamelift.
In this game you must try to survive in Dracushima's Mansion while collecting candies, solving puzzles and capturing ghosts!
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Me and a friend together as team T-Bone created a game for Ludum Dare 49 where you have 72h to create a game with a given theme, the theme this edition was Unstable.
The poor citizens of Eudora suffer with the overly priced water, to help them you’re trying to bring water back from a far way oasis to the city, but the merchants and nobles responsible for selling water do not want the people getting it for free, so they hired a group of mercenaries that will try to destabilize your ship and make you loose all the water you’re carrying.
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I was approved with distinction at my final project in the Digital Games graduation at UNISINOS University, my project was this game named Harpoon, in it you have to captured your foes using a harpoon and pull them to a cliff that separates the scenario.
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Space - Color Wars
Game made for KenneyJam 2021 where i had to make a game in 48 hours with the theme rotation only using Kenneys assets.
Try to rotate your shield to match the enemies color attack and reflect them back and also try to use your shields to create your own color attacks, all that while tyring to steer your ship that rotates acording to your mouse position.
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HeadShot is a shooting game with a visual style like cardboard and thematic of the target shooting found at amusement parks.
Game made as group TBone.
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It's time for vengeance, go in crazy hunt through out the space helping a mad cat destroy all cucumbers in the galaxy.
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Game made as challenge (Packman look a like) in 48h for job interview at the company Ideia à Vista, wich i was selected and worked in various projects.
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Santa got careless and crashed his sled, now all the gifts he was carrying are falling from the sky, help him catch them before they hit the ground and get destroyed.
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Last Swap
Together as the group T Bone we developed a game for Ludum Dare 44, the theme was "Your life is currency".
In this game you have to summon minions to fight for you, but this will cost you health points, so at the same time you must make alchemy combinations to create potions and recover life.
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Indiana Run
Indiana Run is a infinity runner, score chaser, with action and some RPG elements. Run through the field defeating monsters, collecting potions and coins to upgrade your character.
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Fishing Quest
Fishing Quest is a dynamic fishing game mixing in its gameplay moments of tranquility and tension, requering ability and attention form the player.
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