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Who am i?

My name is Elias, i'm graduated in Digital Games at the UNISINOS University.
I've made this page to spread my curriculum and porfolio, here you'll find the games i'm developing and have developed in my journey of a game developer, to navigate click one of the hexagons above with the desired description.

I made some games with some co workers of my old job, together we created the group called TBone, check out the games we developed in one of social networks:

University Final Project
I was approved with distinction at my final project in the Digital Games graduation at UNISINOS University, my project is a game named Harpoon Raccoon, in it you have to captured your foes using a harpoon and pull them to a cliff that separates the scenario.
Access the game at the page:

Xena - Trial of the gods
Game made for the TogetherJam2022 with the guys from Sheepixel, where we had 15 days to make a game with the provided theme.
In this Jam we won the 1st place for best game overall.

Me and a friend together as team T-Bone created a game for Ludum Dare 49 where you have 72h to create a game with a given theme, the theme this edition was Unstable.

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